
Department of Information Science and Technology, (Department of Informatics : Previous page), Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University

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ミニカレンダー (piCal)
前月2024年 5月翌月
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Virtual Reality(VR) Research

Real-World Oriented Embodiment Programming

It is thought that if software components have the same 3D visual shape and same behavior as the corresponding object, which actually exists in the real world, programming becomes possible by combining those software components in the same way as if we made something in the real world. In this way, to introduce metaphor of real-world objects into programming makes it possible to increase the software development efficiency. Especially, this study aims to provide such programming environments in which the user can build various 3D application software by his/her body action same as done in the real world.

Development of VR applications supporting Haptic (Phantom omni) devices (Katsunori Miyahara, et al.)

Cloth design system (left image) and Surgical training system (right image)

Cloth design system Surgical training system

Demo movie: Cut&Sew operations

Demo movie: Collaborative operations

Demo movie: Surgical training system

DeMoCa: Video-based motion tracking system (Yoshiaki Akazawa, et al.)

We have developed a video-based motion tracking system called "DeMoCa" to provide intuitive operations for various 3D graphics applications.

DeMoCa DeMoCa

Demo movie

Voice Input Interface (Hiromichi Fukutake, et al.)

We have been studying voice input interface to enable intuitive operations for various 3D graphics applications.

The followings are images of interactive application example in which the user interacts with a CG dog by the voice communication.


VoiceBox VoiceBox

3D Object Layout and Composition by Voice Commands Based on Contact Constraints


Voice&Layout Voice&Layout

Voice and Gesture Based 3D Multimedia Presentation Tool


Voice&Gesture Voice&Gesture

Demo movie