
Department of Information Science and Technology, (Department of Informatics : Previous page), Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University

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IntelligentBox System

IntelligentBox is a constructive visual software development system for interactive 3D graphic applications. With IntelligentBox system, it is possible to construct 3D graphic applications such as Virtual Reality Applications by means of combining individually existing 3D primitive components through direct manipulations on a computer screen.

IntelligentBox provides reactive 3D visual software components called Boxes. Each Box has a unique function and a 3D visible shape. It is possible to construct composite complex (intelligent) Boxes by composing an individually existing Box with another Box to combine their functionalities through direct manipulations on a computer screen. In IntelligentBox, this construction process is regarded as a construction process of 3D graphics applications.

In IntelligentBox, various characteristic Boxes have already been developed so far. You can try to use IntelligentBox and manipulate those Boxes. If you want to do so, please download the IntelligentBox system!

IntelligentBox IntelligentBox

The commercial product called MagicCube+ using IntelligentBox concept was released from C's Lab, Co., Ltd.

Windows Version Download:

Execution Files (Windows 2000 Later Ver. 11.05.01) [18.9MB]

Installation instruction

SGI Version Download:

Execution Files(Ver. 5.08.15) [6.2MB]

Installation instruction(under preparation)

Linux Version Download:

Execution Files (Ver. 5.08.15) [5.0MB]

Installation document(under preparation)

Common Data Download:

3D model data (*.dat)

box data (*.box)

Background images (*.rgb, *.bmp, *.jpg)

Users Guide in English (Ver. 5.11.23)