1. IntelligentBox system An IntelligentBox system is the prototype of a constructive visual software development system for interactive 3D graphics applications. It provides 3D visible primitives called boxes. With the IntelligentBox system, it is possible to construct various 3D graphics applications only by combining individually existing boxes through direct manipulations on a computer screen without making any text-based programs. Its execution environment is as follows: Machines: Windows 2000,XP (32bits) platform. Development environment: Programming language: C and C++(MS Visual C++ Ver. 7.0). Libraries: OpenGL graphics library and MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class). Related systems: S-Products(the platform for development of the first version of IntelligentBox). N-World(New version of S-Products for SGI machines. Currently Nichimen Graphics Inc. sells the product named "mirai" as its current version.) IntelligentBox can read *.geo, *.dxf, *.obj files and write *.obj files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Distribution file IB_release.zip( a main execution file and sample files ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Installation and execution 1) Unfreeze and extract a IB_release.zip file using WinZip. 2) Then "IB_release\" directory will be created. 3) You can find and execute an execution file "ib.exe" in "IB_release\bin" directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The installed directory contains a ib1.cshrc file. By editting this file, it is possible to change your environment as you like. You can read this file using the MainMenu item[Load ConfigurationFile] that appears when clicking a mouse right button. Note: if its file name is changed into ib.cshrc, it is loaded automatically when the program starts. --- ib1.cshrc ---- # This is a configuration file of IntelligentBox for Win95 # IntelligentBox Directory setenv IBHOME G:\ib setenv IBDATDATA $IBHOME\primdata\ setenv IBSMDATA $IBHOME\smdata\ setenv IBOBJDATA $IBHOME\objdata\ setenv IBDXFDATA $IBHOME\dxfdata\ setenv IBGEODATA $IBHOME\geodata\ setenv IBBOXDATA $IBHOME\boxdata\ setenv IBTEXTURE $IBHOME\texture\ setenv IBMOVIE $IBHOME\movie\ setenv IBSOUND $IBHOME\sound\ setenv IBLABANDATA $IBHOME\labandata\ setenv IBEXPDATA $IBHOME\expdata\ setenv IBEE $IBHOME\ee\ setenv IBSERVER $IBHOME\server\ setenv IBDOC $IBHOME\doc\ setenv IBLIB $IBHOME\lib\ setenv IBTEMP $IBHOME\temp\ # setenv IBGlobalAxis TRUE setenv IBCenterAxis TRUE setenv IBBGColorWhite FALSE setenv IBDefaultLightEnable TRUE setenv IBDefaultLightShowLightVector FALSE setenv IBFogEnable FALSE setenv IBDrawModeFrontFace TRUE setenv IBDrawModeBackFace FALSE setenv IBDrawModeStereoMode FALSE # IBDrawMode 1 is FlatShading, 2 is SmoothShading, 3 is no effect # 4 is WireFrame, 5 is FlatShading(TextureMapping), # 6 is SmoothShading(TextureMapping) setenv IBDrawMode 4 setenv IBSenseModeFrontFace TRUE setenv IBSenseModeBackFace FALSE # IBSenseMode 2 is none, 3 is Points, # 4 is Segments, 5 is Faces, 6 is Bodies setenv IBSenseMode 6 # IBLookingMode 1 is zoom+, 2 is rotate, 3 is translate, 0 is none setenv IBLookingMode 2 setenv IBFlipSensibility TRUE setenv IBFlipVisibility TRUE setenv IBInformationTreeStructure FALSE setenv IBInformationNames FALSE setenv IBInformationSharedCopies FALSE setenv IBActivateProcessBoxes TRUE setenv IBManipulationDraw TRUE setenv IBButtonPanels TRUE setenv IBServerProcess FALSE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [written by Yoshihiro OKADA]